Post-Vatican II liturgy changes find us no longer begging for God’s help but stating our certainty that we have it

In prefaces of masses commemorating apostles, we have it most clearly.

Before the ‘reforms’, this Preface petitioned the Almighty: “Te Domine suppliciter exorare”.

Readers, I hope, will remember the host of supplicatory clauses I gathered together in my first part of this piece.

This preface stands squarely in that ancient tradition. And what it seeks from the Almighty is that he will not desert his flock, but continue to govern it by the same Apostolic Rulers. 

The post-Conciliar version of this preface does something quite different: something quite opposite. It thanks the Almighty that he does continue so to govern his flock.

Demonstrating a sort of smug awaress replacing a creaturely humility.


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